

Page history last edited by Kodak 15 years, 6 months ago
All of our sponsors are a major part of making what we are doing happen. They all provide amazing services. Pleas take a moment to visit them and see how they can help you.


     On top of product donation those who donate a monitary donation will recieve coverage on the front page of the site.


  • $100 - Bringing Hope, making sure that this festival will be a sucess
  • $250 - Making Change, being a building block to help change the future
  • $500 - Securing Accomplishments, acting with purpose to change the community


     Donations of any amounts are accepted through TipJoy







For more information on becomming a sponsor contact Chad at DallasTwestival@gmail.com


Sponsorship of the Dallas Twestival raises awareness for your brand. Last year, sponsors received significant traffic through the Twestival promotions and website.


“As an early sponsor Huddle benefited tremendously from getting involved in Twestival. Apart from kudos and having our name associated with a fantastic and wonderfully organised event with a social conscience, we received more than 100+ visits directly from the Twestival site, not counting all traffic via Twitter. Twestival is a great initiative and we're very happy to have been a part of it.” 

- Zuzanna Pasierbinska-Wilson, Head of Marketing Communications, Huddle.net



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