The Dallas Twestival needs volunteers to help set up, break down, and spread the word.
If you'd like to help out, please join this wiki by logging in, signing up or contact Chad Bolinger @ADKodak
Please sign-up for the following volunteer positions:
- Entertainment Chair:
- Sponsorship Chair: Brienna Becker - @briennamichelle
- Tech Chair:
- PR/Marcomm Chair: Laura Hall - @lauraehall Ruth Ferguson - @ndgeditor
- Social Media Marketing - Mike D. Merrill - @mikedmerrill
- Charity Relations: Alyssa Gardina - @agardina
- Raffle Chair:
- Decorations Chair:
- Food/Drink Chair:
- Photography/Video:
Thank you to the following people for volunteering!
Ringmaster: Chad Bolinger - @ADKodak
Wiki/Web Chair: Heather Buzzell - @hbuzzell
Administrative Support: Neils Brooks - @repeatnone
Venue POC:
Volunteers to assist with sponsorships and hype:
Comments (9)
Jacqi said
at 12:57 pm on Jan 23, 2009
Where do you need me? Jacqi - @jacqimoore
Chris J. Davis said
at 4:51 pm on Jan 28, 2009
I am willing to help out if there is need. I could handle the photography, or be tech chair I guess, I am SUPER TECHY. See what I did there, I used all capitals to convey volume and importance. Yeah, thats how I rawk.
@mia said
at 6:27 pm on Jan 28, 2009
I'm able to help in an idea's man/advisory chair capacity and with spreading the word.
Lauren Vargas said
at 6:40 pm on Jan 28, 2009
@Chris Would you please handle photography then?
@Mia Please help spread the word w/ our PR volunteers. Help with sponsorships/ideas is needed.
Thank you to both!
mollye said
at 6:58 pm on Jan 28, 2009
I can help out also! I'm able chair and spread the word
Mark Alan Dooley said
at 4:54 pm on Jan 29, 2009
@markalandooley I have MAD skillz, perhaps I can be of assistance.
Because...I really, truly believe people need clean water to drink!
You need a venue, Trinity would be good. Jigsaw is playing there that night, but maybe could be co-opted.
If not there, perhaps another est, but Trinity is a big place, ideas people?
Daniel Liu said
at 12:21 pm on Aug 3, 2009
Not sure I could take on a lead role, but willing to serve in any capacity.
Joe Flowers said
at 12:24 pm on Aug 3, 2009
I can help with social media marketing or with PR/Marketing
Whitney said
at 6:13 am on Aug 6, 2009
i can do the raffle if needed. @whittydittie
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